Fall Changes

With the trees changing colour, so have our daily schedules. Gone are the late-night dinners, relaxing outdoor hours to be thrown back to the hustle and bustle of school, various clubs, events, teams sports. It’s a change that we have adjusted to over the years, but if you have a new pet, this is big and scary.

Our pets do not measure time; they know that everyone is not where they are supposed to be. It can promote some unwanted stress and or behavioural changes.

I experienced this with our newest rescue member, Mats. He is a robust, energetic Boston Terrier who is impatient for everything. Anyone who is lucky enough to be the chosen one of these characters knows that they are stubborn, clingy, independent, all rolled into a 10-pound bouncing ball of squirrel.

He started chewing everything, and I mean everything, shoes (again mine seems to be a constant theme with my pets), furniture, towels and digging holes in the yard so deep you could only see his cute little tail. These were relatively minor in comparison to the jumping, excessive licking, biting your hand that we finally had to draw the line.

Overstimulated and insecure were a common theme. Just closing the door to a room for less than 5 minutes, he would be almost inconsolable.

Exercise is the biggest deterrent for his behaviour, and he requires a lot. We took away some of the toys which seemed to feed his anxiousness; balls were a big trigger.

Getting back to a routine has helped. Getting him out of bed earlier, playing outside before dinner with him and his partner in crime, hide the toys during the day, be ready to fend off the sneaky lick attack.

There are many options that can help with this unwanted behaviour, speak to your veterinarian to come up with a plan that will best suit your pet and your family’s needs. These therapies can be used just for stressful events or on a daily basis; each pet and situation is different.

We never want not to enjoy all that our pets bring to our lives by these unwanted behaviours. Speak to the knowledgeable professionals at your hospital after all that what’s we do, what we were trained for, and where our passion lies.

Make the positive changes that will not only benefit our pet’s health but you as well.

Don’t forget those pesky ticks are back, and they are hungry!

Written by: Sue Markell, Practice Manager