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Showing 29 results for ""

Blood Donating
Blood Donating

Blood Donating

Hello, my name is Easton, I’m a 6-year-old chocolate lab, and when my Mom got me, she wanted me to become a therapy dog when I was old enough.

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Spring Time Dangers for Our Pets
Spring Time Dangers for Our Pets

Spring Time Dangers for Our Pets

With the warmer weather upon us, pet owners need to be aware of a few springtime dangers.

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Introducing a New Family Member
Introducing a New Family Member

Introducing a New Family Member

Introducing a new family member, whether canine or feline, can be a daunting task. As with people, dogs and cats have distinct personalities – and not everyone gets along!

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Understanding Pet Food Labels
Understanding Pet Food Labels

Understanding Pet Food Labels

The agency that sets guidelines for pet foods is known as AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials). 

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Obesity in Cats and Dogs
Obesity in Cats and Dogs

Obesity in Cats and Dogs

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in cats and dogs. Obesity is the accumulation of excessive amounts of adipose tissue in the body.

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The Benefits of Canned Food
The Benefits of Canned Food

The Benefits of Canned Food

Many cat owners have the perception that canned food is ‘junk food’ for their cat. It is a myth I have been working to dispel with cat owners.

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Winter Activities to Keep Your Dog Busy
Indoor Activities to Keep Your Dog Busy in the Winter Months

Winter Activities to Keep Your Dog Busy

With winter in full force, your dog may be suffering from cabin fever. Like us our dogs daily routine changes in the winter months.

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Traveling with Dogs
Traveling with Dogs

Traveling with Dogs

Car rides aren’t for everyone but they are becoming more and more popular, whether it’s a trip to the vets, going to see family or going for some exercise.

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Cannabis & Pets

Cannabis & Pets

Cannabis products have been legalized in Canada for human use, and are becoming very common in households for medicinal purposes.

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What Happens On a Dental Procedure?
What Happens on the Day of a Dental Procedure?

What Happens On a Dental Procedure?

Dental health is an important part of your pet’s overall health. Periodontal disease is considered the most common disease in pets.

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Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus
Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus

Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus

Gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) is a serious and life-threatening condition that has always been especially on my radar because for many years.

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New Puppy Owner
New Puppy Owner

New Puppy Owner

Who would of thought that I would forget all the trouble a puppy could get into in a few short years?

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